Book Club June Edition: Crushing It


This year, Spin Up Science is focused on growing our community to support more researchers developing life long skills and raising the visibility of science startups across the UK. We make sure that each of our team have an opportunity to upskill to help provide value to the community

To help with understanding more about the world of content marketing and production, our programmes facilitator, Jeorgia has been reading "Crushing It: How great entrepreneurs build their businesses and influence, and how you can too!" by Gary Vaynerchuck.

Social media is an integral part of raising the profile of activity, whether its academic research, building a personal brand, or launching a startup. Communicating effectively with your audience can be ever challenging when faced with changing algorithms, maintaining relevance and rising above the noise.

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Vaynerchuck has mastered the art of personal brand building and leverages that brand to engineer success for his business and personal projects. Vaynerchuck reiterates frequently that personal brands are for everyone, from scientists to entrepreneurs.

Crushing it is a culmination of practical advice compiled with social proof of real entrepreneurs who have first hand experience implementing effective strategies to build their brands, to establish real value and impact for their audience.

Vaynerchuk also emphasises that leveraging the opportunity of social media is a powerful tool that should be utilised as there is a very low barrier of entry. This is a very exciting proposition for anyone trying to get their business off the ground.

Crushing it explores the 8 key principles that really matter when setting up a personal brand for success on a social media platform which are:

  • Intent,

  • Authenticity,

  • Passion,

  • Patience,

  • Speed,

  • Work,

  • Attention,

  • Content.

For the final principle, Vaynerchuck’s mantra for creating engaging content is focused on “Document, don’t create!” This typically relates to the majority of company founders- who has time to create engaging content alongside building a new company?

According to Vaynerchuk the document, don’t create approach streamlines your production process whilst building authenticity and a personal connection by giving your audience access into your daily experience through your content. As Vaynerchuk puts it, this allows you to “build credibility when you have none yet” a great starting point for anyone new to social media platforms.

The overarching message that Vaynerchuk reiterates throughout the book is that showing the audience you CARE about them is of ultimate importance whenever producing anything for social platforms and these 8 key principles are the building blocks that many social media enthusiasts fail to master.

Take Home Thoughts

This was an incredibly inspiring read that offers practical advice for approaching the world of social media and content marketing. Some of my favourite messages were;

  • Embrace failure- you will fail, its an inevitable part of the process but you use this to learn and it formulates a vital part of your growth.

  • Combine macro patience with micro speed - long term, macro goals deserve patience but you also need to deliver work and get things done at a reasonable speed to obtain maximum efficiency.

  • Opportunities are everywhere - you just need to train yourself to see them.

by Jeorgia Rowbotham

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