A Quantum Solution for Climate Change

In this inaugural episode of the Spin-Up Science Podcast, we sit down with Dr Xiao Ai, CTO of QLM Ltd, a company developing quantum-enhanced detection systems for monitoring and quantification of CO2 and methane emissions.

We talk with Xiao about the problem of unnoticed greenhouse gas leaks in the oil and gas industries and how the technology he has developed at QLM allows for both spotting and prioritising leak maintenance.

QLM’s detection systems utilise the team’s expertise in single-photon lidar techniques, quantum algorithms for signal-to-noise enhancement, and ultra-fine spectroscopy to build a complete picture of leak rates and allow for the first time visualisation of otherwise invisible leaks.

QLM aims to help in eliminating needless greenhouse emission from oil and gas production and has  recently raised £3.1m in investment to perfect their technology and bring the world one step closer to net-zero.

Anna Wilson